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Brücke am Kwai

Wer kennt ihn nicht, den berühmten Hollywoodstreifen aus dem Jahr 1957 mit Alec Guiness "Die Brücke am Kwai".

Und obwohl in Sri Lanka  und Großbritannien gedreht, liegt der Ursprung doch in Thailand.


Die Brücke liegt in der Stadt Kanchanabhuri und überspannt den Kwai-Fluss.


Ein nahe gelegenes Museum erinnert an die Kriegsgefangenen, die den Bau der Todesrailway ermöglichten.

Who has not heard of the famous Hollywood movie made in 1957 starring Alec Guinness "The Bridge on the River Kwai". 

And although filmed in Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom, but the origin is in Thailand. 


The bridge is located in the city Kanchanabhuri and spans the River Kwai. 


A nearby museum is dedicated to the prisoners of war that enabled the construction of the Death Railway. 


In Central Thailand you will also find the former royal cities Sukothai and Ayutthaya. 

Everything you can in an organized and easy in Bangkok - maybe 2-day excursion - watch.


Around the River Kwai have - how could it be otherwise - made many restaurants sedentary.

in der alten Hauptstadt Ayutthaya
in der alten Hauptstadt Ayutthaya